Marie Originals Eczema and Psoriasis Soap - Marie Originals

Marie Originals Eczema and Psoriasis Soap

Marie Originals Eczema and Psoriasis Soap

Eczema and psoriasis are sensitive topics. Okay, not exactly, but these conditions can sure make the skin exquisitely sensitive. There’s no question about that. With this awareness, we have formulated an herbal remedy to give your skin the TLC (tender loving care) that it needs.

Welcome to the Marie's Original Eczema & Psoriasis Relief Soap.

Carefully handcrafted with your unique needs in mind, our Eczema And Psoriasis Relief Soap will nourish your skin while providing relief. Containing a medley of therapeutic herbs and essential oils, the soap is designed to allay itchiness, soothe discomfort, and promote healing.


Therapeutic ingredients, powerful blend

Rich in eight essential oils, this soap nourishes your skin while providing relief. The Marie's Original Eczema & Psoriasis Relief Soap contains a powerful dose of grindelia camporum, a unique herb that has skin-soothing properties and helps calm rashes and irritation. Among other notable ingredients, organic oat bran is integrated for its cleansing and gently exfoliating properties. Organic oat bran helps remove dry, dead skin, while accelerating the healing process. Bentonite clay, a key ingredient in this treatment, helps eliminate toxins and irritants from the skin that contribute to inflammation. Used for centuries, bentonite clay is also called “medicinal mud” for its well-known therapeutic action. In addition, the soap contains noni, an anti-inflammatory herb that calms swelling, pain, and irritation. This synergistic blend will nourish your skin and provide instant relief.

Gentle, effective and natural

Our handcrafted herbal soap is made with gentle, yet powerfully effective ingredients to give your skin the care that it deserves. We use pure, earth-based ingredients, keeping your sensitive skin in mind. Our remedies are free of: SLS, parabens, phthalates, GMOs, gluten, petroleum, dyes and synthetic fragrances. Last, but certainly not least, we do not test our products on animals. Our Eczema And Psoriasis Soaps are created with kindness, care, and compassion. 


Check out our Eczema and Psoriasis soap here

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